Our Mission
The mission of Children’s Concierge is to curate opportunities for learning all over the world. We are about embellishing a child's learning—a family's learning—through authentic, world experiences.
We want to liberate learning from the brick and mortar classroom. No, we’re not suggesting putting an end to school buildings; we’re just suggesting adding other, more expanded options to the mix.
We want families to hear and see and do; to ask questions, to turn things upside down and to make new connections; to try out old ideas in new settings and to bring new ideas back to old setting.

Our Vision
We envision a world where it’s expected that learning happens everywhere/anywhere and all the time.
In our vision:
- Kids are excited and curious about the world around them.
- Learning is person-centered, based on the interests and needs of each learner.
- People around the world respect, learn from and help each other.
- Kids teach their parents/grandparents to be lifelong learners.
Our creative team
The staff at Children’s Concierge are educators — teachers, museum educators, school psychologists, licensed guides — who are passionate about helping children and their parents explore the world and learn together.
We believe in:
- the power of curiosity to direct learning
- the importance of connecting to the real world to create global citizens
- the importance of family experiences to strengthen the whole child
- celebrating differences
- the power of knowing there is more than one way to get something done
- trusting you can make things happen
- feeling and showing respect, kindness and compassion toward self and others
- the importance of taking tender loving care of our world
- life-long learning!
Phrases like —
"Life is not linear. Learning is not linear. Intelligence is not singular. Education should not be fast food."
— make really good sense to us!