Our Educational Philosophy & Approach
We believe that young learners learn and grow best when they are encouraged by their own family. So we involve young learners and their parents together in creating their own, personal World School.
We believe that everyone has their own way of learning motivated by their own set of interests and passions. So we use a person-centered/learner-centered approach to exploring, to discovering, to learning.

We believe that everyone has their own timeline for learning. We don’t all learn at the same rate nor do we all need to be ready to learn the same things at the exact same time. So it makes sense to us that young learners should not be forced to all learn the same things at the very same time. There is more than one way and one time to learn things. We will all get there! So we have no set curriculum nor one way of doing things. The curriculum we offer is created by and for each young learner and her/his family that explores with us.
We believe young learners learn best when they are interested in, excited by and immersed in their learning. So we ask young learners (with input from their parents) what they want to learn and ultimately how they want to use what they learn. Then we set about to curate experiences that facilitate this learning.
We believe in the power of curiosity. We believe a good question is better than a correct answer. So we create opportunities for families to explore new things, ask new questions or continue to research old questions --- or all of the above.
We believe empowering a young learner to know she/he has the power to make things happen is extremely important. So we celebrate what some might consider failure as well as celebrating success. We see the wisdom of learning from both.
We believe in the importance of having authentic, meaningful experiences in the real world! To us the power of place is real! We offer our families the chance to “get their hands dirty” and get involved with what’s happening in the world. The importance of being there, seeing and doing and asking questions in real time cannot be understated.